Event CountDown
  • Event Date 2017/11/25  -  14:00 to 17:00
  • Event Venue Cilandak Commercial Estate Nomor 410, Jalan Raya Cilandak KKO
  • Contact +62 822 1150 2211
  • email [email protected]


Bayu Maitra



In this multi-device era, our creativity is the limit. We can spread our narrative world through different channels-old and new, such as Books, Web Series, Comics, Apps, Virtual Reality (VR), Social Media and others. But we should not use every channel just because we can, you must considering many aspect to make the experiences of the story still engaging.


In this class, our mentor will guide you to evaluate and design strategies for different technologies in a transmedia storytelling context.

You will learn:

–  How changes in technology impact the process of storytelling

–  Key technological, social, and cultural considerations in diferrent platforms

–  Examines how technologies shape experience


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What to Bring?



Project Output:

Audience Journey Mapping

Target Learners:

– Storytelling enthusiasts who want to start his/her skills in delivering stories

–  non-fiction writers who want to improve his/her storytelling

–  Creatives who want to develop content writing for their works.

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Ticket Price: IDR 295.000

(including e-certificate and meals)

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