Educational community for Creatives to develop skills and interests through knowledge sharing.
Storytelling is a social and a cultural activity of sharing stories which are mostly used to entertain, to educate, to preserve culture and to instill moral values. Ages ago, Storytelling was used to sharing knowledge and information. Back when we were kids, storytelling activity was related to the bedtime stories our parents told us to sleep. We knew stories like fairy tales and folklores, and for us, our parents took a role as the storytellers.
As we grow up, we heard about these contemporary Storytellers: photographers, videographers, teachers, announcers, even influencers. Storytelling is being transformed from oral to visual, and it’s the great tool to gain engagement with their audiences.These days, start-ups are everywhere. Their stories and how they deliver them are what distinct one to another. Some businesses outsmart others because of their story and the value that they brings. Photo that won Pulitzer were not only well-taken, but also a picture that can speaks a thousand words. So we got it: Storytelling is important. It engages us with our audience, our market. It brings life to the things we sell. Most importantly, it defines our value.
Celebrating World Storytelling Day, lingkaran will hold a series of mini-classes. We invited the nowadays Storytellers: musician, illustrator, graphic designer, photographer, creative writer and Makeup artist to introduce you the way their magic works.
Come celebrate with us!
Our mini-class series will be up on March 25th (Jakarta and Bandung) and April 1st (Jakarta). and here are the lists!
1. “Data Storytelling: Crafting Infographic Data“ this class mentor is Indraswari Agnes, a content writer of Poligrabs. In this class the participant will be learning about creating infographic, which was one of the most important skills on creating an engaging information.
When & where? 10.00-13.00 WIB, Saturday 25th March 2017, at Conclave Wijaya. Register Yourself HERE!
2. “Developing Illustrated Character Design“ this class mentor is Sesotya Jodie, an Illustrator of @Generasi90an. in this class, the participant will create their own character design that can be impactful and beneficial for their business or creative skills.
2. ” The Logic of Creative Writing – A Content Writing Session“ this class mentor is Alamanda Hindersah, which is a content developer at Wordshelf Studio. In this class, the participants will learn about how to manage your ideas while letting your creativity play the most important role in content development.
3. ” Storytelling through A Song: Introduction to Songwriting“ this class mentor is Fabian Winandi, which is a Singer, songwriter, mussic arranger and composer. In this class, the participants will gain some insight about songwriting, and maybe help could become a really good songwriter too!