lingkaran presents Firetalks 2018!
This is the second Firetalks after last year’s sucess. Firetalks is the public talk series about trend forecasting to accommodate those who want to foresee business and talent for the upcoming year. Trend forecasting is an essential tool to improve one’s decision making and planning for a chance of a better future.
As we settle into 2019, people all over the world have been spending a bit of their time reflecting on the past months, and where they think things may be heading in the next year.
For aspiring entrepreneurs and job seekers, foreseeing the next step of their plan is important. Why? So they can optimize their time, skill, and capital before entering the industry. However, for existing business owner and hiring managers, foreseeing what the industry needs is important; because entire business strength and making a profit depends on the optimization.
In this talk series we raised two interesting topics related to the talent ecosystem and emerging business in Indonesia.
After the successful kick-off in Bandung last week, now it’s turn for Jakarta!
Day 1: Talent Ecosystem
Organizations need talented employees to drive strategy and achieve their goals. However, with the ever-evolving economy, the definition of talented keeps changing and growing, thus making fulfilling job requirements and hiring the right people become more difficult. This talk will cover strategies on how to prepare job seekers and hiring managers for the job in 2019.
What we need to talk about:
- The essential knowledge on applying strategy for job seekers
- The essential knowledge on hiring strategy for recruiters
- The Ideas and inspiration on hiring and applying development in 2019
There will be two hours of interactive discussion with 3 panel speakers and 1 moderator, held for individuals who is a job seeker, hiring manager, existing business owner, CEO, talent leader, or talent manager.
Day 2: Emerging Business
When it comes to starting and managing business, we always have to adjust to changing circumstances. We cannot predict the future of business, but we can always reduce risk by eliminating the guesswork. Thus, forecasting is considered as the indispensable component of business, because it helps management to take correct decisions and reduce risk. This talk will cover strategies on how to prepare for changing circumstances in business in 2019.
What we need to talk about:
- Understanding essential knowledge on business strategy in 2019
- Ideas and inspiration on business development in 2019.
There will be two hours of interactive discussion with 3 panel speakers and 1 moderator, held for individuals who is an aspiring business owner, existing conventional business owner existing tech-based business owner, CEO, business developer, business startups, or venture capital.
So, which one would you want to attend? Or do you want to attend both? Remember it’s a FREE event but you must RSVP to make sure your seat is still available. Click on the button to register!